Movies The Taxidermist poster

The Taxidermist



Director Keti Ellvud

United Kingdom / 16 февраля 2009 / -

The Taxidermist movie cast, crew and synopsis. Find out the exact The Taxidermist 2009 film release date and the full information about its cast and crew. New high quality The Taxidermist pictures behind the scenes. Best photos from the set can be used as HD wallpapers! Buy movie on DVD or watch it in theatre. If you have already watched The Taxidermist please rate it and leave your review!
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If you like movies of director Amber Templemore-Finlayson and such genres like short,romance then you should watch The Taxidermist in the cinema or buy DVD! If the premiere of this movie has already taken place and you have watched it please rate the film and leave your review to help other users. Here you will find latest The Taxidermist photos and posters of the actors like Paul Bhattacharjee, Ford Kiernan, Craig Parkinson, Camilla Rutherford behind the scenes. Nice bonus is the ability to download these high quality images as The Taxidermist desktop wallpapers. Free foto gallery for PC and mobile Android, iPhone and iPad is regularly updated with new backgrounds in HD quality and high resolution: 1080p, 1280x1024, 1920x1080 and other widescreen resolutions!
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